Paris In Shock And Grief, But Notre Dame Still Stands And Will Be Rebuilt!

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Paris is Notre Dame and Notre Dame is Paris.  There can’t be one without the other.  Beloved and fusional with the heart and soul of Paris, Notre Dame still stands and will be rebuilt!

Her heaven reaching spiral tower toppled and was swallowed in flames yesterday.  Her priceless and irreplaceable ancient wood-beamed roof likewise went up in flames.

As I stood on the quai in front of Hotel de Ville watching Notre Dame burn, I alternated between numbness, disbelief and sadness that right now feels muted by the shock of it all.

The air was thick with the black smoke that reached beyond Ile de la Cite.  The flickering orange flames kept spurting up in lecherous twirls that would subside somewhat, then return in full bursts intertwined with the blackness of smoke.

Masses of people stood behind me standing on the concrete wall barriers of Hotel de Ville, the town hall of the city.  All the southern bridges leading to Ile de la Cité were closed with police barriers. I could not get any closer.

Metro stops of Saint Michel and Cité were closed and looked oddly bare as the subway ran passed them.  On exiting the metro at Châtelet the streets were already filled with throngs of people as I threaded my way to the banks of Seine.

I know that area well, as I am often passing either in front or in back of Notre Dame, then walking through the garden alongside the Seine.

There was a solemn quietness though in the faces: the look of disbelief and shock immobilised our faces as we stared powerlessly towards the burning cathedral.  The inconceivable was happening.

I have often worried about Notre Dame being the target of terrorists more so than fires.  Last Sunday, when I went to Palm Sunday mass, at my parish church, seeing the policemen there at the entrance was reassuring, however sadly necessary these days during Holy Week.

When I first heard of Notre Dame was on fire, my first thought was that of arson.  Too coincidental I thought that a fire would start at the beginning of the most sacred week of Christianity!

So far the theory of it being an accidental consequence to the renovations being carried on remains.  Time and careful investigation will tell.

Despite the soot rimmed windows and mostly roofless interior, the golden cross at the end of the church shines brightly in the dim tarnished interior behind the poignant pieta statue of Holy Mary Theotokos holding the crumpled body of her Son.

The altar is still there as are the huge flanking candelabras and statuary, including Notre Dame.  The massive pillars remain as the overhead gothic vaults and arches except some in the center, that fell under the destroyed collapsed spire dating from the last renovations by Viollet Le Duc, around 1862.

Miraculously no one died, but a firefighter is severely injured.  Over 400 firefighters converged on the site to save the cathedral.

Flying water tankers was not at all an option as the weight of water dumped on top would have probably caused the whole structure to collapse, since it was already weakened.

Very sadly the huge network of intertwining wooden beams is totally destroyed.  There were so many that it was affectionately called “the forest”.

Each one was from a different immense oak tree that was cut down in 1160 to 1170 and some around 1220.  Some varieties said to no longer exist today.  1326 lead sheets with a sum of around 210 tons were placed on top of the network of beams for waterproofing.

In 1220, the second network of beams was built in hopes of stabilizing the roofing in case of fire.  Fire was often a threat to the great cathedrals of Europe.

In 1772, when Hôpital Dieu caught fire, it was on the opposite side alongside of the Seine and very close to Notre Dame, probably menacing the cathedral back then.

When tragedy strikes, the only possible positive direction is to move ahead and pick up the pieces with conviction and determination.

Today Paris, as well as all of France, carries the burden of grief heavily with much sorrow.  One strives however difficult it may be to look for reasons to have gratitude.

Notre Dame in all of her majestic presence is still standing!   The crown of thorns said to have been placed on the head of the crucified Jesus is safe!

A morsel of the crucifixion cross was saved as well as a nail from the Passion.  All of the rose windows are still miraculously intact!

The magnificent organ has been saved!  There were 76 huge paintings that could not be taken down in time.  Hopefully, art restorers, like I wrote about in my last post will restore their beauty anew!

The renovation, that was already in progress will definitely begin again and Notre Dame will be rebuilt with love and care she deserves.

I find it almost strangely foretelling retrospectively that only 4 days before the fire, on April 11, the 16 copper statues turned green with tarnish were removed from the spire as part of the renovation in progress and safely stored.

They will be gloriously gleaming atop the newly rebuilt spire someday in their true copper colours!

The diocese of Paris made this video of their removal where you can see how the beautiful spire looked close up with all of the very intricate fine lace-like filigrees structures constituting  Notre Dame.


Notre Dame is more than just a structure! The spirit of beloved Notre Dame will carry her through anew for generations to come!

2 thoughts on “Paris In Shock And Grief, But Notre Dame Still Stands And Will Be Rebuilt!”

  1. Cherry, I watched on tv as this horrible tragedy was happening.
    I’m glad to know that it can be rebuilt. Out of all the amazing facts that I have read about this Beautiful chapel I was really amazed about the bee hives in the lofts and that they were able to survive the intense heat ,Wow!

    Wishing you and Aimée a wonderful and happy 😃EASTER

    1. Happy Easter to you and your family Isham . Much appreciation to you too for all of your kind comments! I agree about those miraculous bees! A good omen amongst the destruction. That the rooster containing the saint’s relics was found intact too is miraculous. Hugs

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