Happy Quantum Leaps! A Quantum Look At The “New Year”

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Happy Quantum Leaps!   2019 is with us. I prefer to take a quantum look at the “new year”, rather than in a linear way.

Life on planet earth continues without showing any difference in being “new.”  Or does it?  Without being a killjoy, the thrill of numbers changing on a calendar just isn’t there for me.

I am always ready to celebrate something, especially with great food and some bubbly, but honestly, I have never felt called to ring in the “new” year with frenzied excitement.

Just because humans have designated a mechanical clock to measure increments of “time”, with numerals that seemingly only flow forward, appears very one-dimensional to me.

Time isn’t linear, but the illusion of it seems to be that way looking up from our earthly human perspective.

Human rationale and reason can be as limiting as a programmed piece of old software.  If reason and rationale are the only things that dictate our understanding, then we remain within constructs that are “known”, outlawing other possibilities.

If space is curved, warped by gravity, time is too. Both are perhaps curved and possibly as layered as a millefeuille pastry.

Time is a relative concept and our human perception of it can be distorted by speed, space, gravity and the act of measuring it.  If infinity exists, then probabilities are just as infinite.

If we could travel on a spaceship at the speed of light, our perception of time would be much slower than our friends left on earth.

The direction of the speeding spaceship can change its path at any given time, much like an electron can too; depending on observing it.

Conscious observation? The consciousness of who? You, them or something other?

Those probabilities are where quantum physics sound weird. Perhaps the universe is beyond complete human understanding.

Better said, perhaps cosmology cannot be neatly contained by human explanations and definitions.

The great minds of physics certainly are hard at work doing whatever they can to figure it all out for us. I admire them and love to hear them share their insight and theories.

I am unable to comprehend the needed mathematics needed in the end to “prove” any of their theories, which are challenging enough.

My limiting handicap though allows me the freedom to wander beyond their complicated equations.

A rare professor of math once said that the dimensions of higher mathematics can be seen as spiritual, yet the majority of mathematicians come across so Cartesian!

So, what does a quantum look into the new year mean?   Well, it revolves mostly around probabilities for you and your life.

As a therapist,   I find your life story, your perspective of yourself and your world much more comprehensible than quantum mechanics, yet the theories can be applicable to your own unique life path that is full of twists and turns.

You are in the process of evolving as I write, not stagnant by any means, though your own observation you may see yourself in a pothole of life or rut that seems impossible to climb out.

It could be a situation in your life, career, or relationships.   Unseen possibilities are waiting for you on the wings of your life’s stage.

You don’t need an iron will with a dictator’s whip to bring about change.   Trying to control everything will limit you.   Control actually can diminish possibilities of allowing newness into your life.

Human desires are there to be carrots that nudge us forward on the path.  Our life callings are whispered in our hearts by God.

We all want to define the outcome; the when and where it will come about. I know that I am often tricked into that trap.

If any change is desired by you, then listen to your desires and just give it some time and space to percolate in your consciousness.

Seeding the universe with your desires can stir up possibilities you can’t even fathom.  Your thoughts are powerful whips that I like to think of stirring up the cosmic soup as if plowing up parched hard pastures.

Throw your needs and wants out there, as you would scatter seeds on fertile land. Some will take root even in rocky dry soil.

Then the hard part is getting on your “desire” bus going in that direction.  You don’t have to worry about when or where to get off!

The universe will respond to those questions, though not always in your specified time, nor space.

That my friends, requires the patience of Job.  Patience is a worthy value, enough that life will force you to learn it, whether you welcome it or not.

Forcing change is not the answer, because you can’t go out into the fields and grab a new seedling and yank it up into maturity.  You will either snap off the top or pull out the roots.

Once you find yourself heading into a newly desired direction, new avenues and new doors will open up like magic if your life path corresponds to what you came here to do.

You, like a newly repotted plant, has to have time to spread new roots, before you grow and especially before you flower and bring fruit.

Be careful in allowing others to define your path, or tell you to speed up.  They are not you, nor do they know what is best for you to learn and grow into an expanded you.

Timing is rather mystical, and it is a concerted vibration of your desires and needs being crystalized concretely from a range of probabilities that already exist.

Being open to change and probabilities is more magical than reason allows. With that in mind, I prefer to leap onto quantum probabilities rather than spend time trying to desperately control facets of my life that my human perception may be limiting in scope.

Any quest you take entails risks. We do not know with any great certainty that whatever changes we implement in our lives will lead to increased prosperity, enjoyment or specific outcome.

The best you can do it allow your desires to be a roadmap to follow and if your life path is best suited to coincide with your own personal desires, then that which you seek will come to you.

But the point of it all is to remain OPEN.  Try not to let your own human fears and self-perception to limit your desires.

Dream wild and dream big.  Remember your thoughts and desires are powerful agents that will go out into the universe to attract events to crystallize in your life.

Venture out with some baby steps in the direction you feel called to follow.

Allow God to do the rest.  Happy Quantum Possibilities!



2 thoughts on “Happy Quantum Leaps! A Quantum Look At The “New Year””

  1. Cherry, reading this has got me thinking very DEEP! I know that our life here on Earth “is long as a puff of vapor “compared to eternity .
    I’ve noticed that each year seems to go by faster as I’ve gotten older.
    I really like your statement of “seeding the universe!”
    “Happy Quantum Possibilities”,l like the thought of that.
    Hugs to you

    1. Thank you Isham for sharing your own perceptions of time. I am glad you liked my analogy of using our desires to seed the universe. The cosmos is a mysterious place that slowly reveals its truth to humanity that is open to the infinite! Hugs

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