Blog en Petite Pause

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I will be going on vacation to sunny Greece and cruising the Greek islands, therefore there will not be any long post until November the 5th.  I am excited about being in the cradle of democracy and the country of Hippocrates, the father of medicine.  I love old stones , so the antiquities of Greece will be a true joy for me.

In addition to all the ancient sites to see and soaking up sunshine, blue sea vistas, and fresh ocean breezes, rest assure that the gastronome in me will seek out the very best culinary treasures and wines that Greece offers.  Those who know me well, are aware where my passions lie.   To soak up the culture of any country one has to look beyond the obvious high points of touristic venues, and experience whatever you can of local flavour, and  the cuisine is a wonderful start to immerse yourself.

If internet connection is available and reliable during my trip, I  would love to post, if not I send all my faithful readers who have been so supportive my Love and Hugs!

A bientôt ,J’espère!  Bises !

6 thoughts on “Blog en Petite Pause”

  1. Sounds like a magical adventure…know you will find the very best of the best Greece has to offer. Just share the experience upon your return.

    1. Safely arrived in Athens. Our room has a view of the Acropolis, which is majestic, yet sobering knowing how old it is! Wish you two were here with us!

    1. Thank you so much Pam! Just returned to Paris after a truly magnificent cruise of the islands and a bit of Turkey. Was sunny and warm there, and Paris is cold and rainy, but of course still very beautiful!

    1. How special for your granddaughter to travel with you to such a wonderful place!!! I look forward to when mine are old enough to appreciate all the antiquities that Europe has to offer. I would take my own children with me everywhere I traveled as it is such a wonderful way to teach them cultural diversity.
      Before I moved to France, and when my children weren’t able to come with me, I did travel a few times alone to France. You are forced somewhat to be more open about meeting others, but naturally traveling is best shared. With my daughter living here, we often go together.

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