So What if it is Raining! Go Anyway! There is Living To Do!

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It was just miserably cold and rainy yesterday, certainly enough to make you want to stay inside.  But then again there was another festival in Montmartre, La Fête des Vendages, or Harvest Festival that I did not want to miss.  All in all, it was just another perfect example of not letting anything rain on your parade.

I’ll admit is was not easy to shove myself out in the rain to go climb those steep stairs to the top around Sacre Coeur.  I systemically refuse to use the funiculars, as seeing all that climbing upward as great cardio exercise.

Autumn in Paris may not have enviable weather, but is  chock full of special festivals and events every weekend.  Year round there are always various salons, antique fairs, concerts, gourmet markets, and of course art exhibitions  to choose from.

The  old cobblestones were definitely slick and shiny from the rain, and with umbrella in hand I felt like a child again trying to avoid the puddles.  I was thinking that because of the inclement weather, there wouldn’t be so many other revelers to bump into on the streets.

Reaching the top of the stairs though threw me directly in a thick throng of others, who  were probably thinking the same as myself.    Walking around proved a little tricky trying to dodge their umbrellas as well as keeping mine own from striking their heads.  A ballet of sorts!

All you have to do is follow your nose as the smell of tartiflette , cheeses and sausages fill the air.  Stall after stall offered  goodies and wine from various regions. In the courtyard of ancient eglise Saint Pierre, that has a crooked nave by the way, was an elaborate copper contraption serving up steaming vin chaud(hot spiced wine).

The view from the steps of Sacre Coeur is always beautiful as usual with the entire city of Paris in view, however hazy from the steady drizzle of rain.  While snapping photos, there was lots of laughter and gaiety in the streets .  Despite the rain, spirits did not appear dampened at all. For me, I was so glad I got out after all!

I started to think that today is just a perfect example of going beyond the temptation to avoid this and that because of various reasons, all perfectly legitimate I might add. Sure we all want the optimal  conditions before we strike out to do anything.  But life continues irregardless of the rain and weather or for that matter whatever is going on in our life.

In the big picture of life, there is for us only one passage through at any given time.  Missing out living for all the various excuses;  from not having enough money, “nothing” to wear, feeling sad and depressed, or being alone, amongst others, is all downright hogwash.

In the long run, it is we who are responsible to seeing that we take advantage of whatever pleasure there is out there, for ourselves.   Waiting around for someone else to propose something fun and interesting is letting others decide what you would really like to do!

We have to learn to be our own pleasure seekers because relying on someone else to make living fun gives them all the power, making ourselves dependent, which is eventually a drain.

We can certainly learn from children, who know exactly what they want to do and play, heading out immediately without any hesitation.  Rain and snow? Does not seem to stop or bother them at all! They are full of imagination and just never run out of things to do .

In some ways we need to return to that wild curiosity about life.  Sure we got worries on our shoulders, but that is just life!  Life is like that you know; uncertain, confusing and downright messy at times!

Life is for living now, not in some perfect future, where all is well.  Frankly it is us that has the capacity to bring joy and fun our way!  So my dear fellow travelers in life, what are you really waiting for?





2 thoughts on “So What if it is Raining! Go Anyway! There is Living To Do!”

    1. Thank you Jeanne! In inclement weather, is makes for such at easy excuse, but I generally succeed in pushing me out, as Paris takes on another dimension in the rain, fog and snow!

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