Lizzie Velasquez: A Messenger of Courage and Determination

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I just read a story about a young woman named Lizzie Velasquez, that moved me to tears.  She is 23 years old, who was born with a rare  genetic condition she says does not even have  a name.  It is somewhat related to progeria and she is one of only three in the world.

Because of her illness , she is unable to store any adipose tissue.  Because she has zero fat tissue, she must eat high caloric foods every 15 to 20 minutes in order to have any energy at all.  She has never weighed more that 60 Lbs.  Though her internal organs developed normally, her parents were initially told that she probably would not survive childhood, and if she did would have severe developmental deficits.

In consequence Lizzie has facial features that give her a different appearance from the norm and is blind in one eye with diminished vision in the other. This brave young woman has suffered the very cruelest of cyber bullying from a youtube video, and emails  where there were taunts that she looked like a monster and should kill herself.

She describes the torment of knowing she was different from others and pleading with God to awake one day and look like everyone else.  Through the many years of suffering with the ever-present rude stares and insensitive reactions from strangers, she not only survived, but flourished with the help of her family.

Her parents were determined that Lizzie be treated the same as her siblings, while growing up in Austin, Texas.    Her brother and sister are defiantly protective of her and the whole family beams with pride over her accomplishments.  She was indeed blessed to have been born into such a loving family that provided the base to flourish.

Today she is a student at Texas State University in San Marcos, where she is studying to become a motivational speaker.  She has already been asked to give speeches to youngsters in schools about dealing with bullies and developing a positive self-regard.  She has already been interviewed on nationally telecasted shows.

She has written a book called Be Beautiful, Be You.  As a therapist who constantly sees many patients who grew up with twisted or negative self esteems,  Lizzy Velasquez’s story is incredibly transformative and inspirational.

She talked of growing up with tremendous feelings of hurt and anger and admits today she  is still vulnerable of course to the hateful mean comments.  A breakthough occurred in high school, where she says she decided to forgive those who had hurt her and devote her time towards teaching others about her condition and dealing with bullying.  Today she is able to see through her suffering as an opportunity to help others who are drowning in their own feelings of being outcasted from being different.

In one of her videos on her website, she recounts finally feeling acceptance of her illness, that has made her appearance different from the norm.  Because of it, she says she feels blessed and compelled to help others in distress.  She no longer wants to be any different than she is today.

Her acceptance of self is a hard-earned psychological victory and wisdom not often seen in others, even much older than herself.  She has been able to break though the barriers of petty life challenges and knows her truth and mission.

She says that she enjoys public speaking and teaching others how to see their own beauty.  She insists “if only, I can help just one person” she feels she has accomplished a lot.  She adds if she had to have this illness and suffering in order to help others, then it was all worth it.     That statement in itself reflects a selflessness rarely seen, except in very old souls, spiritual masters, and saints.

When I sees photos of her, I see a most beautiful smile and emanated light.   She is definitely an illuminator or carrier of the light of truth that we all possess a beauty within ourselves.  She is a perfect model that each of us can transform our hurt and pain to reach out to others dealing with the same.

I am certain that Lizzie was sent to teach us all as a messenger and or earth-bound angel.  She emanates light and love that comes from beyond.  I would love to meet her some day so I could tell her how impressed I am with her healing mission and all that she has accomplished for herself to see her real beauty.

I have not read her book Be Beautiful, Be You, but just knowing her story, I would think it should be recommended reading for all of us young and old.   She has already made a tremendous impact on me and I hope that others will discover her beautiful philosophy and wisdom.

The photo that I chose for this article is in the Gustave Moreau museum in Paris and is representative of  Lizzie Velasquez, as she has already earned her angelic wings!

If perchance Lizzie you might ever read this tribute to you on my little blog, please know that I pray for you and your mission.  I send you much love and many hugs, beautiful child of the universe.




2 thoughts on “Lizzie Velasquez: A Messenger of Courage and Determination”

  1. Thanks for sharing Lizzie’s story.
    She is a tremendous inspiration
    and is striving to make a difference
    no matter what. Think we’ll be
    seeing and hearing much more
    from Lizzie.

    1. Thank you very much Anne! Lizzie has lessons for us all in courage and acceptance of things we cannot change. Thanks also for being my unofficial proofreader while here with me! Wish you could stay longer. I am blessed to be with you and Cookie again! Hugs and Love!

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