Blog En Petite Pause

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Hagia-Sophia-IstanbulTime for me to venture out again to explore a city that has often  caught my interest for various reasons, but I never got around to going.   Since living in Paris, I have  learned that besides the fall, June is the best time to get away before the annual European summer vacation influx begins.pause

This is my first time in Istanbul, and I am really looking forward to the whole experience. If you have read my blog, then you know I love old stones and historical places, along with my forever gastronomical longings and curiosity.

Istanbul literally reeks of exoticism and ancient history.   The Hagia Sophia was an emotional experience that will stay with me, having her beauty seared into my psyche.

Founded by the Greeks, on a strategic sea path between the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea, It was eventually overtaken by Rome.    Constantine the Great brought the city into being the center of the civilized world and Christendom by 330 AD, where it was the eastern capital of the Roman Empire, called Constantinople.

By the mid 15 the century , it was conquered by the Ottoman Turks, who referred to it as Istanbul.  As you can imagine, there are many layers of culture and history that have all contributed to its glory.

It is one of the few cities that is transcontinental, in that half of the city resides on the European continent and the other in Asia!    Separated by just  rather narrow pathway of sea, you can easily cross continents by ferry and bridge!

So while I am either sailing between the two or walking the streets of the Asian or European side, i send you my faithful readers hugs!

2 thoughts on “Blog En Petite Pause”

    1. Thank you Benoist for your recommendations. Hagia Sophia was first on my list and left a monumental and emotional feeling that is seared into my psyche. There is so much more to say about Istanbul that has nothing to do with intellectual treatises about her history and architecture.
      Istanbul, in addition to her visual splendor and exotic beauty, was for me a deep cultural and spiritual immersion that has left multiple experiential feelings in my heart!

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