Infidelity a La Française

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KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAI love France for many reasons, but not the French broad tolerance around cheating in relationships and marriages!  The majority here seem to be in utter denial about the underlying implications of infidelity, as it is something that is nonchalantly treated with amusement or shrugged shoulders.

Infidelity is the worst sort of betrayal  and inflicts the worst sort of pain.  Yet, in this country it is just joked up to” men will be  men” as an unavoidable male trait, and as if nothing really damaging took place.

The French have so banalised and normalised infidelity throughout history that is seems to be  ingrained in their cultural mores.   However there is a double standard here, in that societal expectations that men will cheat is not the norm for French women, who do not have the same immunity from  scorn.

Arranged marriages in the past were par for the core in royal and bourgeoise families, which understandably precipitated straying beyond marital boundaries to find real love and passion.   However, that is not the case today.

Royal mistresses were given much compensation and some exerted quite a bit of power over their beloved kings.  They often retired to their gifted chateaus and received royal titles.   Today’s mistresses, unpaid and uncompensated are often treated like cheap hourly whores.   Even if most are in love with the man,  they will for the most part end up alone after being tossed away like used pieces of Kleenex or traded in for a younger model.

Getting rid of their royalty, however, did not change the exceptional accord and complacently vis-a-vis their modern-day leaders private lives.  French politicians have been notorious serial players of the worst sort, all protected under a strict law protecting their “la vie privee”.

President Francois Hollande is just the most recent to arrogantly refuse any explanation or clarification around his reported midnight trysts with a younger French actress, and God forbid,  any public display of apologetic concern towards his duped companion Valerie Trierweiler.

For those of you who are not aware , France has some of the strictest privacy laws around the personal life of their heads of state.   They have complete immunity to do whatever they want to do privately, without any scrutiny, nor any accountability for their behaviour to the French public.

For that very reason you will not find my opinions about them, nor analysis of personalities involved, and somewhat subdued expressions in this post out of fear of reprisal.  There is no transparency allowed or expected as in Anglo-Saxon countries, and the press reporting on these “frivolous” matters risk lawsuits, which one has already by filed by the actress involved.

The majority of their elected presidents would have never made into the candidacy if they were Americans, where scrutiny of a politicians private life is deemed appropriately correlative and collaborative of his overall character, morality and judgment.

The last 5 presidents, all carried a lot of baggage along these lines.   These brief descriptions sound like they were taken from  cheap and sordid romance novels, but are indeed true and well documented.

Francois Holland came into the presidential election with public knowledge that he had left his never married partner Ségolène Royal, after 30 years together and 4 children.  One month after she lost the presidential campaign to Sarkozy, they separated.   He reportedly had started the relationship with Valerie Trierweiler during her compaign.

Before Holland became the presidential candidate, the favourite of his party was Dominique Strauss Khan.   Besides his accusation of sexual molestation of the maid in New York City, there were two journalists, one French, the other Italian, who accused him of sexual violence. He is currently facing charges of pimping prostitutes and organising sexual orgies .

I shudder  to think that had it not been for the American police in arresting him; this man could have continued to the French presidency, as he was favoured over Hollande.   It was the American maid’s courage that helped bring others out of the bush of secrecy with their own complaints and opened up a French investigation into his other sexcapades.

Ex president Sarkozy during his first marriage, began a relationship with the wife,  of a couple he betrothed, when he was mayor of a Parisian suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine.  This woman later became his second wife.  Shortly after his Presidential inauguration, they separated and divorced with him quickly rebounding and marrying his third wife, a French Italian singer.

Before Sarkozy, there was president Jacque Chirac, who was also at one time mayor of Paris.  His multiple affairs  were done more discreetly, as he wrote in his memoires; admitting he had loved several women, despite that his wife of 58 years certainly has suffered in silence.

Then there was President Mitterrand, elected before Chirac, who lived a double life with a long time mistress with whom he had a daughter.  Both his widow, mistress and illegitimate daughter attended his funeral in plain sight of each other.

Valéry Giscard d”Estaing , before Mitterrand, also enjoyed his paramours with total secrecy and protection by the French press.

A much earlier French president Felix Faure in died infamously in 1899 during extramarital sex right in the Élysée palace.  Heavens knows how many other heads of state went to their grave with dirty little secrets under their belt.

If indeed the French are so callously indifferent to the sexual shenanigans of their elected officials, why is there so much media attention and increased sales of the magazine Closer and other journals?  My take of it, is they are indeed very much interested in the private lives of those who govern them, and just as much given to voyeurism as any other nationality.

In sifting through comments from the French public, I did notice a variance of opinion depending of the sex of the one commenting.   True the majority of males seemed to go alone with keeping the president lives secret and saying it had nothing to do with political decisions, but the majority of female responders took a different view.

Many comments complaining about Ms. Trierweiler being hospitalised proliferated; “if all the wives in France had to be hospitalised because of their husbands cheating on them, there would be no longer any hospital beds in France”.  Both genders were very critical of her tile as “First Dame” and that taxes were used to provide her with a office and 4 assistants, in addition to her hospitalisation and continued recovery in the presidential retreat La Lantern near Versailles.

There was a definite tendency in female commentators to be much more critical and projecting a sense of correlation between what happens in private affairs as revealing in overall character judgment.  Maybe after all the years of having to suffer in silence around their husband sexual peccadillos, there is a hidden rebellion brewing amongst French women.

From my own observation, French women are more submissive to male companions and much less independent in general than American women.  The male hierarchal system is still well at play in French society and corporations.

It has also been just in the last few years, that anti sexual harassment in the workplace  been somewhat implemented, though rarely enacted .  Women here are very indoctrinated to being a sexual object, and though the attention might be complimentary to most, the consequences has resulted in lower salaries than those of males, and less protection from male abusive behaviour in families and on the job.

Husbands, who are cheated on by their wives are  ridiculed, and called cockolded, as if the situation openly demonstrates a lack of  sexual prowess, which makes up the fiber of every true Frenchman’s pride and glory.

French wives and companions, since many are not even marrying in the first place, may certainly become enraged, but nevertheless are expected to suffer in silence.  French society expects the cheated upon wives to display dignity and “classe” to preserve her marriage with graceful public indifference.

Even one French psychologist, Maryse Vaillant has gone so far to in her book ” Les Hommes, L’Amour, La Fidélité to suggest that women should welcome their husbands lustful wandering because extra conjugal liaisons made for a “healthier” marriage.

With the lightening speed of communication enabled by the internet, I feel the French will eventually demand more appropriate behaviour from their elected officials private lives, which are increasingly more difficult to hide.  Quite a few of the comments lamented over France’s reputation being ridiculed worldwide for their politicians sexual antics.

France is an old civilisation, and things don’t change quickly here.  If the French, in their patriarchal dominated society, want to acknowledge the perceived male biological tendency to resist monogamy, perhaps they are ahead of the game in these matters.  I am curious to see though, if the evolving independence of French women will eventually cause them to make more stringent demands of fidelity or leave their  emotionally abusive relationships.

My opinion, like many Americans, is that the lies and deception inherent in cheating on your spouse or companion, can be  easily transferred and contaminate decisions involving running a corporation or government.  Not surprisingly, Chirac and Sarkosy,recently have each faced charges over financial mismanagement of funds.

The ordinary French man, who may be sexually bored in his marriage or relationship, feels totally free to pimenter( or spice up) his  love life, without much guilt, if any, due to societal and cultural indifference.   He might even enjoy and take pride in being called “un chaud lapin” or hot rabbit!

After all, if his elected officials and heads of  state enjoy these benefits, why should he be denied the same privileges in the country where “liberté, ´egalité, fraternité” is the country’s motto!


8 thoughts on “Infidelity a La Française”

  1. Quite interesting! American women certainly have a different mind set, don’t they. Very few suffer in silence these days. Just ask the divorce attorneys. American men are made to pay for their dalliances.
    Hugs, KK

    1. Thank you KK for your comment! French women suffer as much as any other women would, but not all can be hospitalised for a week after learning their partner/husband has been unfaithful as Ms Trierweiler. With that in mind, I suspect it is only a matter of time before they stop being treated like a doormat and either leave or give their unfaithful partner a taste of their own medicine! Hugs to you too!

  2. Infidelity is both a complex issues and aspect of humanity. Historically, while men have, for the most part, have had the power of financial and business positions and, and political power, sex and sexual appeal is” the currency of women”. For every man who “cheats” that has to be a willing woman participant; and the world is full of gold digging women who attempt to use their sexuality to boost their social, personal, and financial position in life.
    In olden times, women could claim to have “common law” marriages, esp. if they had children by men that they lived with. With the sexual revolution of the 1960s the “common law wife laws” became obsolete. The more social and legal “freedoms” that women gained, the more responsibility and liability they incurred for their personal situations. In south Florida, amongst the Latino society, there seems to be an inordinate number of young women who live with men and have their children without benefit of the rights and protections of legal marriage. As bad as the men may seem to be at times, the women whom they are involved with share the responsibility for the overall situation.
    Long ago in my younger years, I decided that if someone wants to mess around, they should simplify their life by getting a divorce first. Infidelity is somewhat like gambling at the casino, 90% or more of the time it is going to be a losing situation, esp. for the common person. Wealthy people and politicians are much more able to handle these matters. One of our local billionaires is known for his penchant for marrying younger women with a prenuptial agreements that they will a set amount of millions of dollars if the marriage goes beyond something like three years. The guy limits his financial exposure and the women is assured of a financial benefit. The rules are just different for the wealthy.
    As you mentioned a lot of it is based upon the culture of society. One of my ex-¬business partners, a Latino, had a saying that he lived by (the Latinos have a saying for everything): “What is the difference between a man who only eats at home and one who eats away from home also? The answer was that the man who also eats away from home winds up being ‘twice as full’ as the other guy. To a large degree, it is a societal perception and attitude that prevails. However, the women who are involved in these illicit relationships are just as responsible as the men.
    People are people, men are men, and women are women; and about half of everyone winds up having some type of illicit relationships to varying degrees. Men can’t do it on their own. Perhaps prostitution may be some type of relief valve for some of this; and there are male prostitutes also. Life is just complex for both sexes; and human nature is just what it is.
    Personally, I think that people in positions of power and responsibility have an obligation to lead decent lives; and should be held morally responsible for their personal lives. I think that MOST people in our modern society have had temptations in regard to “having a fling”; it is just a natural part of life. It takes BOTH a man and a woman to have a situation of infidelity, it doesn’t happen in a vaccum, just on the part of the man. Not being a particularly handsome guy, I’ve fortunately managed to have thirty years of marriage without any major problems . . . Ha! One bitter divorce was enough of an experience for me personally.
    Infidelity is just a natural nature of mankind that some people give into, and often create disasters in their lives. Infidelity, both on the part of women, will always be a part of humanity. Anything other than consensual sex is legally considered as being criminal rape. So women have some power in regard to sexual encounters; otherwise they enter into them of their own volition. Why would a woman continue to live with a man, and have several children by him, when he is not willing to make a commitment of marriage to her. Likewise, why would these other women . . . Valarie, and the movie star, etc. . . . enter into relationships with the guy, knowing his history? It just demonstrates how people are willing to gamble in hopes of winning; it is somewhat an ego thing of thinking that they will win one way or another.
    The key question is what can or should be expected of our political, social, and financial leaders? It just seems to me that anyone who is callously cavalier and irresponsible in their personal lives, certainly probably doesn’t have the integrity or emotional maturity to handle the best interests of society as a whole.
    Women can, if they will, exert enough social and political pressure to change society; but that just isn’t likely to happen quickly. The problem with political parties is that they are controlled by the wealthy; and they control which among themselves will be candidates for the positions of leadership. So, the entire political systems/organizations have to be changed to effect real changes. When the people have no real power over selecting the candidates, then they have limited choices of candidates to vote for.
    The human nature of infidelity is not going to change, in fact it may worsen with more liberal “freedoms”; but the people should have the information about the candidates that they have to vote for. JFK may have been one of the worst, most egregious womanizers in American history, yet he is hailed as being one of the greatest presidents . . . . go figure that one out . . .. Ha! Heck, even FDR in his wheel chair still had several mistresses (as noted in a recent movie).
    Human nature is what it is; it is ingrained in the DNA. It is a shame that people screw up their and their spouses/families lives with infidelities. Perhaps women should not settle for these types of relationships. Life is just complex.

    1. Thank you David for your very detailed comment. I could not have covered it any more thoroughly than you have!

  3. Cherry, as you pointed out, French cultural stereotypes are more forgiving of a man involving in affairs. A woman doing the same is often considered as a whore.
    On the other hand, women are initiating 75% of all divorces.
    My education was really different. My maternal grandmother (1912-2006) had been spending her long life fighting for equality. My father had been a stay-at-home dad for three years in the 70′. My Mom worked outside to provide for our family. The French model is not mine. I don’t even understand it.
    I don’t accept secret private lives for politicians. If you cheap on your spouse, you are not trustworthy.
    Anthony Weiner stepped down after his Twitter sex scandal.
    I like the way Bill Clinton made his apologies to his family § the American people after the “Monicagate”.
    Sorry for my French friends, but I love America!

    1. Thank you so much Michele for your enlightening comment, seen by a French woman whose childhood did not reflect the cultural norm! How wonderful that your own grandmother was involved in woman’s rights and equality! The fact that 75% of divorces are bing initiated by women here, demonstrates to me that French women are tired of the old double standard and are indeed trying to make a statement concerning commitment and respect!
      You are a treasure of information around American political events and I find you a wonderful bridge, encouraging understanding between the two countries.
      I would have liked to have seen Holland offer an apology, or some evidence of concern to his previous two jilted partners, Segolene and Valerie.
      Louisiana should hire you as a cultural ambassador for all the love and promotion you have done on behalf of our bayou state!

  4. Thank you very much Cherry for your kind words. I guess I’m a French woman with a Cajun heart § an American brain!!
    I agree with you. Currently, many French women are sick § tired of the arrogant, self-centered male chauvinist pigs’double standard.

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